Older Adult Services

Seniors to Thrive at BFC

We realized a long time ago that older members of our community are an invaluable resource in building a better tomorrow. Our senior adult services make sure our clients continue to feel included in society, whether they are able to join us for group programs or require a more personal touch with visits to their homes. Funding received from the Bergen County Division of Senior Services.

Adult Day Program

  • Our services are available to any adult 60 or older who lives in Bergen County.
  • We offer the only adult day care program in Northern New Jersey that accepts visually impaired clients.
  • Our program is designed to stimulate social interaction and to help reduce isolation and loneliness.
  • We promote mental activity through exercise, music, arts and crafts, and discussion groups.
  • Our goal is to prevent premature institutionalization.
  • We provide a much needed break for in-home care givers.
  • Adults age 60+ are eligible to register in advance to receive a nutritious lunch.

Care Management for the Homebound Elderly

  • We can help with applying for PAAD, SENIOR GOLD, HEAP (heating and cooling assistance).
  • We can help with applying for Home care programs such as JACC and MLTSS.
  • We can help with applying for Veterans benefits and Alzheimer grants.
  • We offer caregiver counseling through ADRC.
  • We offer senior community resources and care giver resources.
  • We can help with applying for the Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports and the Respite Program.
  • We can help with Meals On Wheels, Food Stamps and emergency goods.
  • We offer information on Reverse Mortgages.

Caregiver Support

  • Fifteen to twenty Caregivers meet several times monthly
  • At least one monthly meeting is offered in Spanish
  • Caregivers have a safe and nurturing space to learn coping strategies and receive specific information to help their loved ones
  • Caregivers share a meal and conversation and experience mutual aid with other caregivers
  • Participants have the option to engage in a mentoring program with trained volunteer mentors who are dedicated to reducing stress and other challenges confronting caregivers

For More Info

Rachel Cohen, MSW
Senior Director of Community Health & Engagement
Phone: 201-567-1495
Email: Rcohen@Bergenfamilycenter.org


Your financial donation helps infants, children, teens, families and older adults. We also welcome donating your time and energy as a volunteer. Find out more...

Funded by the Bergen County Department of Human Services, Division of Senior Services.
(Bergen Family Center does not charge for senior services.)

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